Africa needs leaders appointed on merit, not through covert lobbying; RNC troll Kambanda needs a lesson on that

Recently the Rwandan leadership wrote a letter to the President of the Union of the Comoros – also Chairperson of the African Union – stressing several anomalies related to the appointment of a new Director General of Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The latter was appointed through a flawed process where a committee selected a Congolese doctor, Jean Kaseya, over the candidate who received the highest-ranking based on merit.

Without digesting what the letter contains, Rwanda National Congress-RNC terror outfit sponsored troll Charles Kambanda jumped at the blunder, and praised Tshisekedi’s lobbying machine, who are behind the unmerited appointment.

The mentally-deranged, sex-for-grades “Professor” Kambanda remains the loner devotee of Tshisekedi
and his crumbling regime. Despite Tshisekedi’s failed leadership, crooked Kambanda remains a shameless praise singer of Kinshasa.

Congo under Tshisekedi has failed to curb all sorts of diseases like Cholera and Ebola which add to other failures of pacifying the Eastern part of Congo. We all agree that an individual fronted by such leadership shouldn’t near the steering wheel of such a continental health organization.

The African Union institutions can’t be led by failed people, like those that RNC propagandist Kambanda praise songs at the top of his voice. No wonder! “Sex for grades” Kambanda is notorious for sexual harassment and violence against his former girl students at University of Rwanda.

He has no standing to comment on leadership in the African Union.

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