Doomsayer, sex-for-grades Professor Kambanda should know that exodus happened the day his brain left him

Sex-for-grades “Professor” Charles Kambanda has yet again brought his cheap propaganda on Facebook, saying that “there is exodus of Rwandans into Uganda.” The scumbag, Kambanda is trying to delude his small audience, again!

After COVID-19 is no longer a Public Health Emergency of International concern, Rwanda scrapped the mandatory PCR test for travelers. The move boosted the movement of people and goods between Rwanda and Ugandan. However, the discredited RNC troll Kambanda wants to depict it as an exodus to his gullible followers.

It obvious that being a member of a ragtag terror group-RNC, fraudulent Kambanda can’t digest the fact that Rwanda is succeeding. This why, he is always peddling his half-baked smears that only end in vain.

Kambanda’s smears continue to expose how he is a pathetic troll that never graduated from his puerile thinking level.

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