DRC civil war induces hallucinations in sex predator Kambanda!

Notorious paedophile and RNC agent Charles Kambanda (aka sex for grades) has been in a frenzy of rage ever since the ongoing civil war pitting the Congolese army (FARDC- FDLR) and the M23 rebel movement erupted a year ago. Among other things, the clown is very sad that Tshisekedi isn’t getting his way, to slaughter Congolese Tutsis without them being able to defend themselves. What a sad fool!

Kambanda who duped St John’s University in the United States into hiring him, has been mounting a campaign of misinformation against the President of Rwanda, all the while regurgitating claptrap that Kinshasa advances to dodge its responsibility to bring about peace and stability in Eastern DRC.

Reading Kambanda’s tirades, where he fabricates baseless accusations against President Kagame, one has to wonder if this crook is on the brink of insanity. What significance does the Congo hold for him, and why does he express such intense grievances? The sex-for-grades goon thinks Tshisekedi will help terrorist outfit RNC “to capture power in Rwanda.” Only a daydreaming buffoon like Kambanda thinks that can happen.

The RNC propaganda troll won’t delude anyone other than the very gullible. His daily nonsense scapegoating President Kagame for Tshisekedi’s own crimes is exhibit A of a sick mind.

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