Doomsayer, sex-for-grades Professor Kambanda should know that exodus happened the day his brain left him

Sex-for-grades “Professor” Charles Kambanda has yet again brought his cheap propaganda on Facebook, saying that “there is exodus of Rwandans into Uganda.” The scumbag, Kambanda is trying to delude his small audience, again! After COVID-19 is no longer a Public Health Emergency of International concern, Rwanda scrapped the mandatory PCR test for travelers. The moveContinue reading “Doomsayer, sex-for-grades Professor Kambanda should know that exodus happened the day his brain left him”

Africa needs leaders appointed on merit, not through covert lobbying; RNC troll Kambanda needs a lesson on that

Recently the Rwandan leadership wrote a letter to the President of the Union of the Comoros – also Chairperson of the African Union – stressing several anomalies related to the appointment of a new Director General of Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The latter was appointed through a flawed process where a committeeContinue reading “Africa needs leaders appointed on merit, not through covert lobbying; RNC troll Kambanda needs a lesson on that”

Functions of continental institutions like NEPAD are alien to RNC sex-for-grades Professor Kambanda

RNC funded troll Charles Kambanda commonly known as Sex-for-grades Professor has treated his small Facebook audience with his usual gibberish that President Kagame has lost an international assignment. A primitive mind like Kambanda’s will be forgiven to think that leading a continental institution like NEPAD is a lifetime appointment. The RNC sex pest needs toContinue reading “Functions of continental institutions like NEPAD are alien to RNC sex-for-grades Professor Kambanda”

RNC troll Kambanda smears Rwanda; wants it to bear the brunt of Tshisekedi’s failed leadership

Rwanda National Congress (RNC) terror outfit sponsored troll Charles Kambanda joined the bandwagon of negative elements in negating factors that led to Congolese refugee crisis. In his unending smearing campaign on Facebook, the RNC propagandist Kambanda deceitfully made accusations that pin President Kagame as the “essential cause of DRC refugees in Rwanda”. The sex-for-graders “Professor”Continue reading “RNC troll Kambanda smears Rwanda; wants it to bear the brunt of Tshisekedi’s failed leadership”

Sex-for-Grades “Professor” Charles Kambanda peddles Tshisekedi regime’s Rwandaphobia rhetoric

Once again, Tshisekedi regime tried to embroil Rwanda in their unending chaos. This time around, it came up with a concocted falsehood that “Congolese Security Service arrested a network of Rwandan spies and their Congolese accomplices.” But the reality is, the alleged Rwandan spies are employees of an international NGO called “Africa Health Development Organization”Continue reading “Sex-for-Grades “Professor” Charles Kambanda peddles Tshisekedi regime’s Rwandaphobia rhetoric”

Sex-for-grades “professor” Kambanda, a Genocide denier who spins history into delusional tales

Since the French Embassy in Kinshasa joined the DRC regime propaganda that unfoundedly accuses Rwanda of supporting M23; Sex-for- grades Charles Kambanda, a genocide denier resurrected his controversies that exonerate France’s significant responsibility in the 1994 Genocide Against Tutsi. The sham ‘professor” motivated with jealous and hate, wants to erase history. His rants on FacebookContinue reading “Sex-for-grades “professor” Kambanda, a Genocide denier who spins history into delusional tales”

RNC sponsored troll Kambanda cracks another joke by prophesying sanctions against Rwanda which never come

Rwanda National Congress-RNC terror outfit has a funded troll that keeps struggling with concocting smears against the Rwandan President and his leadership. That’s Charles Kambanda, a failed academic who used to lure young girl students into sexual activities promising grades, now position self as an international law and diplomacy expert. Before Kambanda jubilates over statementContinue reading “RNC sponsored troll Kambanda cracks another joke by prophesying sanctions against Rwanda which never come”

RNC funded troll sex-for-grades “Professor” Kambanda irked by flourishing US-Rwanda relations

Sex-for-grades “Professor” Charles Kambanda has yet again taken his small Facebook audience for a ride, with another fantasy that “the Rwandan President is in trouble”, because of not appearing in the official group photo of President Biden with African leaders. The fellow who faked his academic credentials to enroll for a PhD program (in whichContinue reading “RNC funded troll sex-for-grades “Professor” Kambanda irked by flourishing US-Rwanda relations”

Sex-for-grades ‘Professor’ Kambanda dreams of US invasion to Rwanda, what a joke.

The interview on the sideline at US-Africa Leaders Summit with the Semafor Editor at Large, Steve Clemons, President Kagame responded firmly to the tired narratives of peddled by Terrorist Paul Rusesabagina’s sympathizers and sponsors who continuously argue that the convicted terrorist is “wrongly detained”. A failed academia Charles Kambanda who sexually abused his girl studentsContinue reading “Sex-for-grades ‘Professor’ Kambanda dreams of US invasion to Rwanda, what a joke.”

RNC mouthpiece Kambanda lauds belligerent Tshisekedi, in fantasies of toppling the Rwandan government

Not long ago, failed “professor” Charles Kambanda was sanctifying FDLR, laying some sort of legitimacy to the genocidal outfit to negotiate with the Rwanda government. Now the sex pest is jubilating over Tshisekedi’s latest outburst in which the latter publicly declared war on Rwanda. While addressing a section of youth in Kinshasa, Tshisekedi made aContinue reading “RNC mouthpiece Kambanda lauds belligerent Tshisekedi, in fantasies of toppling the Rwandan government”

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