Gideon Rugari, The PAREMEHUTU RNC-NRM Failed puppet, jumps on libeling Rwanda’s ally

Gideon Rukundo Rugari, a PAREMEHUTU polygamous failed doctor, is changing tactics in his attacks against Rwanda. He is now pretending to be an investigative journalist who traveled to Kinshasa on Christmas when in reality he was spotted in Ndorwa West buying votes for NRM with CMI money. Sponsored by the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI), the clumsy surgeon is a complete failure as a Doctor. Patients in Mulango Hospital used to pray not to be referred to his care, some even paying bribes to avoid his referral. He had the reputation of doing more harm than good, constantly drunk while operating to his patients.

He is now venturing in fictional tales pinning well-documented crimes committed by UPDF and its militia proxy groups. In 2003, Rugari fled from Uganda to Rwanda after the Ugandan Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) hunted him down for supplying medicine to a rebel group in Uganda – the Popular Resistance Army (PRA). He later agreed to be the regime’s public face of hate and anti-Rwanda hate speech under the direction of the Minister for Security Elly Tumwine and the Ugandan police DIGP Sabiiti Muzeyi. Empowered, his indiscipline and insubordination at Mulango Hospital skyrocketed. He insulted everyone: patients, doctors and nurses. He became so rude and aggressive at work that his supervisor, Doctor Diane Twine, (the Permanent Secretary in Ministry of Health) fired him.

Rugari is also very PAREMEHUTU activists and close to Minister of State for Regional Affaires of the Matooke Republic Philemon Mateke. Sources close to Rugari’s polygamous family reveal that his mother is related to a number of PAREMEHUTU members based in Ugandan. In reality, CMI is paying him to do a job he enjoys, something he always wanted to do; attack Rwanda with his divisive PAREMEHUTU venom.

To top-up list is evil association, he is also an RNC activist. Nutty Gideon Rugali was appointed a commissioner on “RNC Uganda Province “committee charged with media and communications; since then he has been publishing all sorts of claptrap in an attempt to smear Rwanda, hoping to be rewarded with Ndorwa West constituency parliamentary seat. But as a mentally unfit fellow, Rugali could not turn heads, he failed to yield positive results even with all fabrications he has unleashed on Rwanda; something that has frustrated his sponsors who are yet to decide on his fate.

Even as a paid mouthpiece, Rugari is doing a terrible job, he is so lazy in cooking up his fabrication that he opts to use a hair model’s from sunkissalba as the picture of a fake victim he interviewed. He simply “googled” a picture, faked a location, and made up a story inspired by UPDF crimes in Congo that landed Uganda a $10 Billion fine from the International Court of Justice.

Gideon Rugali, a failed doctor and his bankrollers in “Destabilise Rwanda” project should be shifting their focus on offering advisory services to their ailing and frail President instead of listing and complaining about Rwanda’s allies. Meddling into Rwandan matters will only cause them unnecessary heartbreaks.

One wonders how the NRM-RNC Gideon Rugali, a well-known Genocide ideologue with Rwandan roots, will manage his already failing assignment as pressure mounts on the Ugandan regime to flash anti-Rwanda groups out of her territory.

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